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What's New CPU Cooler
UDMA Driver
Way 2 Cool
Way 2 Cool
<Tips and Trix
Test 1
Starting at 117 degrees, each program
was enabled. The program was given 7 minutes to cool the CPU as much
as possible. This test was performed on each program 3 times and
the results were averaged. The system was rebooted between each test,
and the temp was allowed to reach 117 degrees before the program was run.
Test 1 Cool Down - K6 Blue=Best Red=Worst
No Cooler |
CpuIdle 2.4 |
CpuIdle 2.52 |
CpuIdle 2.52b |
CpuIdle 3.0 |
CpuIdle 3.01 |
CpuIdle 3.02 |
Waterfall 1.2 |
Waterfall 1.22 |
Waterfall 1.23 |
Rain |
Not much
difference here between the best and the worst, and even less difference
between the majority. Test 1A
All of these programs do a great job of
lowering the Idle temperature of the CPU. The temperatures
shown in the next chart are the result of letting the system sit idle for
about 20 minutes. The difference in cooler program temperatures are
mostly due to the differences in room temperature, not the ultimate "cooling"
ability of each program. My computer room temperature is very hard
to regulate exactly as the system and monitor are constantly dumping heat
into the room and the A/C thermostat resides elsewhere.
The three cooling program's temperatures
had stabilized well before the 20 minute time limit had expired, while
using no program, the temperature continued to slowly rise, ultimately
to 110.1° F.
Program @ Idle |
None |
CpuIdle 4.0 |
Rain 1.0 |
Waterfall 1.23 |
I had initially intended to run each program through an entire suite of WinBench's benchmarks and note the temperature for each test as it ran. After trying this for a few runs, it became apparent that there was too much room for error on my part. If I didn't happen to catch the temperature at the same point in time for each test, the results would be less than accurate. I ended up deciding just to note the performance figures for this suite of tests and then re-test the individual components of the suite for both temperature and performance.
In the past, I had noticed that every once in a while I would get a set of results that were much lower or higher than the average results for a suite of WinBench tests. I had thrown these results out and re-tested. Most of the results came within 1% of each other and I used that as the criteria for those I kept. I didn't think too much about the non- conforming results until I thought I started to notice a pattern. (I'll get to this a little later on.)
Each program was tested at least 3 times
with the results averaged. The hard disk was defragged between each
test. The system was shut down and allowed to cool off to 80°F
then rebooted for each test.
WinBench98 |
2.4 |
2.52 |
2.52b |
3.0 |
3.01 |
3.02 |
1.2 |
1.22 |
1.23 |
1.0 |
CPU32 Mark |
Business Disk |
H.E. Disk |
Transfer Rate
Beginning MB per sec |
Transfer Rate
Ending MB per sec |
Random Access
In ms. |
Utilization % |
* In
the vast majority of tests, the results were as shown. However CpuIdle
2.4 and 3.0 showed a higher incidence of greater than 1% fluctuations than
either Waterfall or Rain. The scores in a few tests went as low as
the 630's.
Test 2A
The main thing I learned from testing
with WinBench is that the cooler programs do little to degrade the system
performance. The results shown represent the best repeatable marks
I could achieve with each program. The
temperature readings were achieved with the memory function of the thermometer
and depict the highest temperatures that were reached during the tests.
WinBench 1.0 |
Mark |
Disk |
Disk |
Beginning |
End |
Access (ms) |
Utilization |
CPU Temp. |
CPU Temp. |
None |
CpuIdle 4.0 |
Rain 1.0 |
Waterfall 1.23 |
This is where I noticed that, for some unknown reason, all versions of CpuIdle were more prone to producing a result that did not stay close to the average (except for version 3.01). The ratio of non average results for CpuIdle ran about 1 (non-average) in 4 to 5 (average) attempts.
Using no program, Waterfall, and Rain, the ratio was in the 1 to 15 range. (The amount of the discrepancy was usually much less, also.) At this point, I began to wonder if this behavior was caused by WinBench, CpuIdle, or the combination of the two.
For this test, the same defragging and
rebooting procedures as before were followed. I tried to bring the
temperature of the processor back, as close as possible, to the same
reading. Because it was not always possible to do this, starting
temps are given. The high, low, and average results are noted. (Average
results do not include any results not within 1%.) Each test was
run at least 5 times, many more in the case of all versions of CpuIdle.
CPUmark32 |
2.4 |
2.52 |
2.52b |
3.0 |
3.01 |
3.02 |
1.2 |
1.22 |
1.23 |
1.0 |
CPUmark32 Avg
Highest Lowest |
647 606 |
640 627 |
641 635 |
646 617 |
646 645 |
646 645 |
643 631 |
643 591 |
644 644 |
646 645 |
Starting Temp- Avg
Degrees F High Low |
81.3 77.0 |
83.1 77.5 |
84.2 74.1 |
81.7 79.8 |
82.1 79.1 |
82.0 79.5 |
81.9 78.4 |
81.2 79.2 |
81.4 78.4 |
81.2 78.4 |
Ending Temp- Avg
Degrees F High Low |
116.6 113.0 |
117.0 112.9 |
114.2 109.8 |
114.5 110.7 |
114.7 109.9 |
114.6 109.0 |
115.0 111.1 |
120.0 113.5 |
116.2 109.2 |
111.4 108.7 |
Test 3A CPUmark32
I felt that this test gave no new information
and did not use it for this round of testing.
Test 4
With the hope of trying to track down
the reason for the wayward CpuIdle processor results, I decided to try
running Wintune97
from Windows
Magazine. I haven't run this benchmark much lately because it
doesn't seem to stress the system enough to show small changes in system
configuration. It didn't change my views any with these tests.
Out of the 30 times I ran it (ten programs, three times each), all of the
results for the Dhrystone and Whetstone tests were identical except for
the three tests of CpuIdle 2.52b, which scored four points below the rest
of the group in Dhrystone. The only reason I chose to show this chart
at all was the temperature readings for CpuIdle 2.4, 3.0, and 3.01.
These three programs seem to allow the processor to heat up any time the
hard disk is accessed. There will me more information on this in
tests 6 through 8.
All of the usual defragging and rebooting
procedures were followed.
Wintune97 |
2.4 |
2.52 |
2.52b |
3.0 |
3.0 |
1.2 |
1.22 |
1.23 |
1.0 |
Dhrystone |
Whetstone |
Starting Temp °F
Ending Temp °F |
98.2 |
90.8 |
90.5 |
95.7 |
96.4 |
90.7 |
90.7 |
90.5 |
90.1 |
Test 5
Still trying to track down the errant
CpuIdle results, I turned to a benchmark I had heard good things about,
but hadn't yet tried. Bench32
from U Software.
(defunct url, see below) The shareware version is limited to a CPU
test, however this was exactly what I needed to check the WinBench98/CpuIdle
results. Comparing one version of a benchmark to another from the
same company is usually unreliable. Trying to compare the results
of two completely different benchmarks is total futility. However,
my purpose was not to compare benchmarks, but to see if I received any
non-average results. I didn't. I have to conclude that the
problem either lies with CpuIdle, WinBench98, or the interaction between
the two.
I ran CpuIdle 2.4, 3.0, and 3.01 a total
of 10 times each to check for non-average results. The remaining
programs were run 3 times each. Results were averaged. The
system was rebooted between each test.
Bench32 v.1.21 |
2.4 |
2.52 |
2.52b |
3.0 |
3.01 |
3.02 |
1.2 |
1.22 |
1.23 |
1.0 |
Total Processor Score |
CPU mark |
FPU mark |
Starting Temp °F |
Ending Temp °F |
Bench32 v.1.21 |
Program |
4.0 |
1.0 |
1.23 |
Total Processor Score |
CPU mark |
FPU mark |
Starting Room
Temp °F |
Starting Case
Temp °F |
Starting Heat Sink
Temp °F |
Starting CPU
Temp °F |
Highest Room
Temp °F |
Highest Case
Temp °F |
Highest Heat Sink
Temp °F |
Highest CPU
Temp °F |
The hard disk was defragged and the CPU was allowed to cool between each test. Each test was run 3 times and the results were averaged.
Test 6 CD to Hard Disk - K6
CD to
Hard Disk |
2.4 |
2.52 |
2.52b |
3.0 |
3.01 |
3.02 |
1.2 |
1.22 |
1.23 |
1.0 |
Start Temp °F |
End Temp °F |
Test 6A
I have expanded the temperature information
to include both beginning and ending temperatures. By the way, the
transfer times for tests 6A, 7A, and 8A were within a couple of seconds
of each other in each category.
CD to
Hard Disk |
4.0 |
1.0 |
1.23 |
Start Room
Temp. °F |
Start Case
Temp. °F |
Start Heat Sink
Temp. °F |
Start CPU
Temp. °F |
End Room
Temp. °F |
End Case
Temp. °F |
End Heat Sink
Temp. °F |
Temp. °F |
The same test procedures as before apply.
Test 7 Hard Disk to Hard Disk - K6
CD to
Hard Disk |
2.4 |
2.52 |
2.52b |
3.0 |
3.01 |
3.02 |
1.2 |
1.22 |
1.23 |
1.0 |
Start Temp °F |
End Temp °F |
Test 7A
For these tests, I raised the file size
to 500 MB which is equal to just under two minutes of continuous transfer
time. These results also give an indication of the temperatures reached
during disk defragmenting, except that disk defragging generally takes
longer and the temperatures rise accordingly.
Hard Disk to
Hard Disk |
Cooler |
3.02 |
1.0 |
1.23 |
Start Room
Temp. °F |
Start Case
Temp. °F |
Start Heat Sink
Temp. °F |
Start CPU
Temp. °F |
End Room
Temp. °F |
End Case
Temp. °F |
End Heat Sink
Temp. °F |
Temp. °F |
Test 8 Hard Disk to Floppy Disk - K6
Hard Disk
to Floppy Disk |
2.4 |
2.52 |
2.52b |
3.0 |
3.0 |
3.02 |
1.2 |
1.22 |
1.23 |
1.0 |
Start Temp °F |
End Temp °F |
Hard Disk
to Floppy Disk |
3.02 |
1.0 |
1.23 |
Start Room
Temp. °F |
Start Case
Temp. °F |
Start Heat Sink
Temp. °F |
Start CPU
Temp. °F |
End Room
Temp. °F |
End Case
Temp. °F |
End Heat Sink
Temp. °F |
Temp. °F |
Memory Used Chart 3
In KB |
Memory 32-Bit |
Memory 16-Bit |
Memory |
Module |
Device Driver |
CpuIdle2.4 |
CpuIdle2.52 |
CpuIdle2.52b |
CpuIdle Load Only |
CpuIdle3.0 |
Control panel |
CpuIdle3.01 |
Control panel |
CpuIdle3.02 |
Control panel |
CpuIdle4.0 |
Control panel |
Rain1.0 |
Waterfall1.2 |
Waterfall1.22 |
Waterfall1.23 |
CpuIdle's "load only" and "control panel" modes take the honors for least memory used. Also of note here is the fact that Waterfall Pro has added many new features while decreasing its non-shared memory and only adding 120 kb to the total usage. Impressive.
n/a = not applicable
or no results shown
Bold indicates programs tested
in "A" AMD tests.
No matter which of these programs you
choose to use, you will benefit from a cooler running processor.
With the exception of the file transfer tests, the results are very close
and it is doubtful that you would notice a difference in performance between
the programs. Please keep in mind that the results will vary with
the processor type, system, and configuration used. I have not tested
these programs on any systems but my own. Your mileage may vary.
Which program do I use? I run Cpuidle 2.4 on my overclocked Intel 486-100 where heat is very much an issue due to the close confines of the case and the fact that the processor is a 5 volt overdrive unit. Rain 1.0 handles the heat on the extremely hot, overclocked AMD K6, and have just switched to Waterfall 123 for the mildly hot, overclocked Celery. How's that for covering all of the bases?
Updates will be added as they occur.